Dear Madam or Sir,

Are you ready to strengthen your business’s human rights and environmental due diligence (HREDD) efforts?

We are pleased to invite you to two key events designed to support Southern African businesses in aligning with the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) and the upcoming EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD).

1. Webinar Series on Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence

Starting 26th September 2024, we are launching a 3-part webinar series that will guide you through the practical aspects of implementing human rights and environmental due diligence. This series is ideal for export-oriented businesses connected to Germany and the EU. It is organized by Helpdesk on Business and Human Rights and the AHK Southern Africa.

Key topics include:

  • Introduction to Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence and its importance for export
    Thursday, 26th September, 10:30 am – 12 pm
  • Strategic integration of due diligence and risk analysis
    Wednesday, 9th October, 2:30 pm – 4 pm
  • Preventive measures, remedies, and complaint procedures
    Thursday, 24th October, 2:30 pm – 4 pm

Don’t miss this chance to stay ahead of regulatory requirements and enhance your company’s global competitiveness!

2. Follow-Up In-Depth Training with Coaching

Take your commitment to the next level by joining our exclusive 10-hour in-depth training on HREDD, specifically designed for companies eager to establish robust risk management systems, Action Plans, and Codes of Conduct.

This opportunity includes individual coaching sessions with experienced professionals, tailored to your company’s specific needs. It is organized  by sequa gGmbH, the Import Promotion Desk (IPD) and the AHK Southern Africa.

In the three sessions, selected companies will receive targeted support in:

  • Establishing their own risk management system
    1st Session: 7th November 2024
  • Defining individualized Action Plans
    2nd Session: 14th November 2024
  • Compiling their own Code of Conduct
    3rd Session: 28th November 2024

This free-of-charge training is available to 30 small and medium-sized companies in Southern Africa, with a preference for those in the agricultural, food, and related sectors (cosmetics, flowers, wood, pharmaceutics, etc.).
Businesses from other sectors are also welcome to apply.

Apply by 24th October 2024 by submitting your application form and company profile. Selected companies will be notified shortly after the deadline.

We look forward to having you join us for these exciting opportunities!

Mrs Mareike Brandt

Head of Competence Centre Sourcing
Tel: +27 11 486 2775

Southern African-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry NPC
47 Oxford Road, Forest Town, 2193
AHK Southern Africa
Africa Business Guide

Reg. No.: 1963/002981/08 Supported by: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action on the basis of a decision by the German Bundestag
AHK Southern Africa Sponsors
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Southern African-German Chamber of Commerce & Industry NPC
47 Oxford Road
2193 Forest Town, Johannesburg
South Africa

+27(0) 11 486-2775
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